The Symbols and Identity of Sardinian People

The Symbols and Identity of Sardinian People

Cover of the book




Blacksmith - San Sperate, Cagliari 

Traditional Jewel called "su Kokku" - silver, coral beads and globular black stone

Coccoi cun s'ou , cerimonial bread typical of the Easter period

Procession in honour of Saint Efisio, Cagliari

Young woman in traditional dress

The procession of Mysteries (Holy Tuesday) - San Michele Church , Cagliari

Brothers of the Sacred Heart Confraternity with the insigna - Ghilarza, Oristano

Close up of a woman in traditional dress

I was commissioned to create the photos for this book from the Italian publisher PFTS.
I had to drive throughout the island for months to find all the shots I needed, but at the end I did a great job.

To talk about the book I prefer to use the words the same publisher:
"The book deals with the theme of identity of Sardinians through symbols such as the historical memory, the landscape, language, ethical values and popular religiosity. Beyond the stereotypes that make Sardinia a sort of charming elsewhere, precisely those symbols reveal - and this is one of the conclusions reached by this research - a coherent identity and problematic at the same time, always in dialogue with history" All the photos of the book by Stefano Oppo, and the translations in English by Karen Turnbull. The scientific supervision was handled by the Department of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the Theological Faculty of Sardinia.

Some copies were printed with the hard cover while the book on sale has the soft cover 
